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Welcome to IOSUD!


Address: Str. Constantin Daicoviciu nr. 15, sala 442, 40020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

CSUD Director:
Prof.Doina PÎSLĂ, PhD, Eng.
Telephone number: 0264 202359
E-mail: Doina.Pisla@mep.utcluj.ro

Alina Mihaela MORUȚAN, Economist
Telephone number: 0264401216
E-mail: Alina.Morutan@staff.utcluj.ro

Secretariat (sala 439):

Email: secretariatdoctorat@staff.utcluj.ro

Dorina BĂRĂIAN, Eng.
Telephone number: 0264 401293
E-mail: Dorina.Baraian@staff.utcluj.ro
Fields of study: Architecture, Materials Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering and Building Services, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology

Livia FILIP, Economist
Telephone number: 0264 401292
E-mail: Livia.Haiduc@staff.utcluj.ro
Fields of study: Computers and Information Technology, Systems Engineering, Philology, Philosophy, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering and Management, Mathematics

Doctoral degree awarding ceremony

Date and time: 21.02.2024, 02:00 p.m

Location: HUB UTCN . Amphitheatre, 3rd floor, George Baritiu Street no. 4-6

Doctoral degree awarding ceremony

(c) Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca
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