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Welcome to IOSUD!


Address: Str. Constantin Daicoviciu nr. 15, sala 442, 40020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

CSUD Director:
Prof.Doina PÎSLĂ, PhD, Eng.
Telephone number: 0264 202359
E-mail: Doina.Pisla@mep.utcluj.ro

Alina Mihaela MORUȚAN, Economist
Telephone number: 0264401216
E-mail: Alina.Morutan@staff.utcluj.ro

Secretariat (sala 439):

Email: secretariatdoctorat@staff.utcluj.ro

Dorina BĂRĂIAN, Eng.
Telephone number: 0264 401293
E-mail: Dorina.Baraian@staff.utcluj.ro
Fields of study: Architecture, Materials Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering and Building Services, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology

Livia FILIP, Economist
Telephone number: 0264 401292
E-mail: Livia.Haiduc@staff.utcluj.ro
Fields of study: Computers and Information Technology, Systems Engineering, Philology, Philosophy, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering and Management, Mathematics

UTCN Resolutions and Decisions

Resolution of the Administration Council no. 149/10.10.2023 regarding the settlement of subscriptions to public transport.

Statement request


Resolution of the Adminitration Council no. 91/ 29 June 2023 regarding the settlement of expenses related to the participation of referees in doctoral committees, in competition committees regarding the occupation of teaching positions, or in committees for the defense of the habilitation thesis


Resolution of the Administration Council no. 91/ 19 october 2022 regarding the location of defense of doctoral theses and habilitation theses


Resolution of the Administration Council no. 64/28 July 2022 regarding the pre-defense of doctoral theses


Resolution of the Administration Council no. 74/16 July 2019 regarding the new form and structure for the PhD and habilitation thesis


Resolution of the Administration Council no. 15/05.02.2019 - regulations regarding the traveling for PhD defences, contests, habilitation


Resolution of the Administration Council no. 9/15 January 2019 regarding the access of PhD students at the TURNITIN software and ANELIS Plus platform

(c) Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca
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