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Welcome to IOSUD!


Address: Str. Constantin Daicoviciu nr. 15, sala 442, 40020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

CSUD Director:
Prof.Doina PÎSLĂ, PhD, Eng.
Telephone number: 0264 202359
E-mail: Doina.Pisla@mep.utcluj.ro

Alina Mihaela MORUȚAN, Economist
Telephone number: 0264401216
E-mail: Alina.Morutan@staff.utcluj.ro

Secretariat (sala 439):

Email: secretariatdoctorat@staff.utcluj.ro

Dorina BĂRĂIAN, Eng.
Telephone number: 0264 401293
E-mail: Dorina.Baraian@staff.utcluj.ro
Fields of study: Architecture, Materials Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering and Building Services, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology

Livia FILIP, Economist
Telephone number: 0264 401292
E-mail: Livia.Haiduc@staff.utcluj.ro
Fields of study: Computers and Information Technology, Systems Engineering, Philology, Philosophy, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering and Management, Mathematics


The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca announces the selection contest for the target group for the advanced research post-doctoral programme within IOSUD-UTCN:


Performance, excellence and entrepreneurial abilities in post-doctoral research


The target group of the post-doctoral programme is made up by young researchers, who were granted a PhD diploma no later than 5 years before the admission to the post-doctoral programme.


Accessing the post-doctoral institutional programme is a first mandatory condition for the applicants interested in participating at the contest for the target group selection within the project “Entrepreneurial competencies and research excellence in doctoral and postdoctoral programmes – ANTREDOC”: http://antredoc.utcluj.ro


The submission of files shall be made at the IOSUD-UTCN office.

Address: Str. ConstantinDaicoviciu nr. 15, sala 442, 400020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Adina Mezei, PhD
Telephone number: 0264-401216 E-mail: Adina.Mezei@staff.utcluj.ro


(c) Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca
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